Valid. for a small biasness all information must be valid as they do not have the man power or the time to waste
Reliable. just like "valid" all the information for a small company needs to be reliable as false information could ruin the company
Timely. for a small company it is very important to have all there information in on time as small company's will have a much smaller budget. it very important to be able to change stock quickly to stay popular.
Fit for purpose. for a small company need all its information to be fit for purpose as you need all of it to be small and to the point as it will take a lot man power to read a lot of information that is not to the point.
Accessible. all information that a small company uses need to be accessible. just as most on the list the problem is lack of man power. the company dose not have the time to send works after information so it needs to be easy to find.
Cost effective. all information used be a small company needs to cost effective as most small company's have a very small budget.
Sufficiently accurate. in a small company all information need to be accurate. just like "fit for purpose" small company's will most likely not have the time to use inaccurate information as people using this info may be misled or confused by it this may result in loss of sales or work not getting in on time and as most small company's do not have a large budget they cannot alow mistakes like this.
Relevant.information used by small company's needs to be relevant as the company cant spend time with information that nothing to do with the services they provide
Understandable. with small company all information need to be Understandable as small company's may not be able to choose who works for then and some people may speak a different language and it is important the they can understand the information or they may not be able to work